Each and every single person knows that life is very beautiful .But it is not easy to live it .Because there are lots of obstacles and problems in front of life .A rich person can not understand life it is because he really don,t know the real joy of life .He thinks life is easy it is because he have lots of money to fulfill his desires and he really don,t know how hard is this life it is .A poor person really knows what is life and how much it is tough .It is because he lives his life facing every types of challenges and obstacles .It is because each and every day increased his desires to grow up in his life with warm and hard work .A poor person can not stop his desires but he ever tries to fight for his desires that is why he learned the hardest lessons of life .
Every one knows desires came in to life to make life busy and strong .When someone try to fulfill his desires he put his whole strength to get his desires .Some time some people try to get a short way to fulfill their desires without thinking what is right or what is wrong and they commits crimes and sins .This is a bad act but one thing is clear that desires makes life tough and strong .Being humans we have to follow the right and good desires and try to concentrate on hard work instead of crime and sins .Pay attentions on your life .It is really beautiful and the greatest blessing of God .SO please enjoy each and every desire in your life .God bless you all .