Everyone have his own thinking at any point .Such as mostly people says that there is only sin who makes human far away from God At least 99.9% people in this world thinks that sin is the thing which is a great wall between man and God .A sinner have no place in the kingdom of God .but no one try to understand the reality of sin .
What is sin ?
Do you really thinks that sin is the thing which makes you separated from God ?
Friend we have to learn something about sin because i don,t think that sin can makes us away from God .There is lots of examples in Jesus life .He always try to tell you that the sin can not makes you away from God .Jesus Said i am the Lord who leaves 99 good sheep for the only one who lost his way .Then how is it possible that sin can makes us away from God there is no reality of sin and there is no devil .This is the reflection of our own mind .
There are two things which makes your lives as happy as you want and you will feel there is no sin and no devil in your life .
1: Always try to make your life busy in your work and do not let your mind free ever .It is because when you will keep busy with your work you found no time to think wrong even to do wrong and you will see there is no devil
2: Always try to recollect your life every night before you go to bed i mean meditate on your life daily .In that meditation just think what you have done today but what you have to do ? this thing will make not only your life perfect but also you will lose all your bad habits and mistake from your life .I will not ask you to pray daily because God do not wants prayers from you but He wants to see you in your life perfect .Life is the biggest gift of God but do not made this gift dull by following different types of believes .Just believe on you and you can do anything because God is with you now and till the end of this world .