Sunday, 19 April 2015

Get The Good Use Of Power In Life

Fight is the part of life .Some are taking part in fight as a game and some are taking part in fight just to get few things or snatch things and money from others .Yes there is only two things which makes man dangerous for others and that is power and money .In history British ruled the whole world it was because of their power .They were powerful nation in whole world .The history is filled with wars .And all those wars had the same vision .The nations wants to prove their power and they ruled weak and poor nations through their power .Power is the only thing which makes man different then all other men,s .It is because there is only one thing which makes peoples mind fearless and that is only power.Now a days it is not limited only in war but it becomes the part of entertainments and games .There are lots of powerful players in this world .
I am talking about fighting games specially boxing and wrestling games .Since i am watching the wrestling games on WWE network and TNA wrestling i came to know that God has blessed a man with lots of blessings .In WWE wrestling there are some players those who do not looks very powerful but when they plays they proves that they have extra flexibility in their body and they become champions and defeated more powerful man then them .
I like to see the wrestling matches specially Undertaker who is best wrestler in this world .No one is like him .Soon at Wrestlmenia 31  i will watch Undertaker again in action .There is another wrestler named Daniel Bryan .He looks very little then all other most powerful and strong wrestlers but he is best then all others .He can defeat any of them with his power and efficiency .The Roman Reigns is an other good and strong wrestler in WWE .Most of the time he compete in 2on 1 handy cap match or 1 on 5 handy cap  match but he won ever   .
These things shows that man is very powerful but if he uses his power in right way then he can bring some change in this world .Power is the blessing of God and this is the thing which helps man to come out and fight with the challenges of life .Take care of your life and make your life strong and get the good use of your powers in life .
(The link blow is about upload picture)

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