I got a big point on my mind .Every young boy and girl have desire to get marriage as soon as possible specially those who are in love they do not wants to waist any more time .Even they like to force their parents for marriage .At that time they don,t have an idea what they are going to face in their life after getting marriage .Even some boys and girls get married in court .Each and everyone knows that after marriage life changes suddenly .Responsibilities makes life busy and a young boy may lost his independence after getting marriage .
But in spite all of knowledge each and everyone wants to get marriage .It is because the man can not live his life without woman and he always feels incomplete without woman .Same as woman also feels incomplete without a man .This thing becomes the cause of marriage and marriage becomes the cause of new life on earth .It makes possible human birth on earth .This is the process of life .Marriage is considered a honorable life status in each and every society of this world .
All Pictures taken from Google free images .
Because marriage is the true union of this life and without it there is no beauty.