Thursday, 2 July 2015

Prayers And Man.

Prayer is a human creation .It is human believe that prayer make them more closer to God .Some people says prayer is the name of request for something ..Except those who do not believes on God each and every one on earth like to pray .But every one have his own style of prayer .Mostly people got these style from there religions . There is no single religion on earth .There are lots of religions on earth .Each and every religion have different believes about prayers .Some religions have daily timetables like Islam .Islam is a religion who force their followers to offer five times prayers in a day .Even all these prayers are must for every man and woman .If someone do not like to pray he commits sin and for that God will never forgive him .

Prayer gives mental satisfaction but in my own opinion prayer is good but it is not compulsory because God wants to see all human unite .This thing brings peace and peace is the real sign of God,s love .Love of God is more then everything on earth .Grow up in love of God and you will feel no need for any type of prayers , 

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